Browse Hymns

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NumberNo Name Author Composer
404That priceless gift what tongue can tellJ Alec Motyer Mawson, Linda
655O God, your mercy, moved by loveJ Alec Motyer Mawson, Linda
1021Do you want to learn of Jesus?J Alec Motyer Motyer Lowndes, Catherine…
1022Love was outpouredJ Alec Motyer Motyer Lowndes, Catherine…
391How good, Lord, to be here!J Armitage Robinson…Walter, William Henry
121BUnto the hills around me I lift upJ D S Campbell 1845-1914 Clarke, James
829Search me, O God, and know my heart todayJ Edwin Orr 1912-87 Lam, Pandina
367O come, all you faithfulJ F Wade (1711-86) Trans.…Wade, John Francis
194O worship the Lord in the beauty of holinessJ S B Monsell (1811-75) Rheinhardt Ms, Uttingen…
455Christ is risen! Hallelujah!J S B Monsell 1811-75 Maker, Frederick Charles
651I hunger and I thirstJ S B Monsell 1811-75 Jenner, Henry Lascelles
883Fight the good fight with all your mightJ S B Monsell 1811-75 Ley, Henry George
292Come, sing the praise of JesusJack C Winslow…Steffe, William
267Bless the Lord, my soulJacques Berthier 1923…Berthier, (Jean) Jacques
1043Listen to my prayer, LordJames E Seddon 1915-83 Warren, Norman Leonard
492Lamb of God, you now are seatedJames G Deck 1802-84 Roberts, Caradog
152Command your blessing from aboveJames Montgomery…Anonymous
197Songs of praise the angels sangJames Montgomery…Antes, John (Johann)
198Stand up and bless the LordJames Montgomery…Lockhart, Charles
418Go to dark GethsemaneJames Montgomery…Evans, David
507Hark! The song of jubileeJames Montgomery…Gilbert, Walter (William)…
534On this assembled hostJames Montgomery…Mawson, Linda
544O Spirit of the living GodJames Montgomery…Boyd’s Psalm and…
610Lord, teach us how to pray arightJames Montgomery…Farrant, Richard
612Prayer is the soul’s sincere desireJames Montgomery…Booth, George
641According to your gracious wordJames Montgomery…Gauntlett, Henry John
897In the hour of trialJames Montgomery…Forrest, M H
959For ever with the LordJames Montgomery…Woodbury, Isaac Baker
484Hail to the Lord’s anointedJames Montgomery…Crüger, Johann
CP01Angels from the realms of gloryJames Montgomery, The…
866To him we comeJames Seddon Shephard, Richard
528The Spirit came, as promisedJames Seddon 1915-83 Smart, Henry Thomas
568Church of God, elect and gloriousJames Seddon 1915-83 Sullivan, Arthur Seymour
574One holy Apostolic churchJames Seddon 1915-83 Ferguson, William Harold
616Go forth and tell! O church of God, awakeJames Seddon 1915-83 Greatorex, Walter
627Tell all the world of JesusJames Seddon 1915-83 Harwood, Basil
133AHow good a thing it isJames Seddon 1915-83 Parry, Joseph
1085Come and listen to the songJames Young Lee, David
1086Heaven must singJames Young Wainwright, John
CP22Heaven must singJames Young
1314Come, you sinners, poor and needyJamie Brown Brown, Jamie
885In heavenly armour we’ll enter the landJamie Owens-Collins Owens-Collins, Jamie
902Loving Shepherd of your sheepJane E Leeson 1809-81 Hayne, Leighton George
919We plough the fields, and scatterJane M Campbell…Schultz, Johann Abraham…
1067King of Kings, majestyJarrod Cooper Cooper, Jarrod
432King of my life, I crown you nowJennie E Hussey…Kirkpatrick, William…
1097God of the trackless skiesJenny Wakely 1944-2014 Barnard, John
274God of the covenant, Lord God AlmightyJessie F Webb 1866-1964 Thrupp, Joseph Francis
1133We pledge to one anotherJill Jenkins Holst, Gustavus Theodore…
719One with Jesus, loved and cherishedJim Sayers Elgar, Edward William
69ASave me, O God, I sink into the depthsJim Sayers Cousins, Marion
1013No condemnation nowJim Sayers Havergal, William Henry
1249Father, God of missionJim Sayers Berry, Gillian Patricia
71Lord, in you I’ve taken refugeJim Sayers Ninnis, Peter James
86Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hearJim Sayers Schicht, Johann Gottfried
2BWhy do the nations rage and cryJim Sayers Simpkin, Richard Benjamin
30AI exalt you, Lord eternalJim Sayers Zundel, John
39I kept my mouth from every sinful wordJim Sayers Smith, Alfred Morton
59Deliver me from all my foesJim Sayers Hughes, John (Dolgellau)
196Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creationJoachim Neander…Stralsund Gesangbuch…
297Hallelujah! Raise the anthemJob Hupton (1762-1849)…Neander, Joachim
CP65What kind of throne is a manger of hayJoel Payne
1299Jesus, you have called usJoel Payne Payne, Joel
781Now I have found the ground whereinJohann A Rothe…Matthews, William
817O Jesus Christ, within me growJohann C Lavater…Barnby, Joseph
730Jesus, priceless treasureJohann Franck…Crüger, Johann
261Sing praise to God who reigns aboveJohann J Schütz…Prout, Ebenezer
613There is an eye that never sleepsJohn A Wallace 1802-70 Walker, Edward Charles
483Hail, O once rejected JesusJohn Bakewell 1721-1819…Prichard, Rowland Hugh
167A song breaks from our heartsJohn Benton Benton, John Edward
352Christians, awake! Salute the happy mornJohn Byrom 1692-1763 Wainwright, John
965Children of the heavenly KingJohn Cennick 1718-55 Fawcett, John (C)
511Lo! He comes with clouds descendingJohn Cennick 1718-55,…English 18th century…
348On Jordan’s bank the baptist’s cryJohn Chandler 1806-76,…Havergal, William Henry
565As we are gathered, Jesus is hereJohn Daniels Daniels, John
759I rest in God aloneJohn Daniels Daniels, John
617All earth was dark until you spokeJohn Daniels and Phil…John Daniels and Phil…
901O Jesus, I have promisedJohn E Bode 1816-74 Elliott, James William
870Father, although I cannot seeJohn Eddison 1916 –…Berry, Gillian Patricia
414At the cross of JesusJohn Eddison 1916 –…Monk, William Henry
222The day you gave us, Lord, is endedJohn Ellerton (1826-93) Scholefield, Clement…
224Saviour, again to your dear name we raiseJohn Ellerton (1826-93) Hopkins, Edward John
230This is the day of lightJohn Ellerton (1826-93) Norton, Christopher
445Throned upon the awful treeJohn Ellerton 1826-93 Welsh Traditional Melody
935Shine now upon us, LordJohn Ellerton 1826-93 Cottman, Arthur
587Blessed be the tie that bindsJohn Fawcett 1740-1817 Nageli, Johann (or Hans)…
943All who wake tonightJohn Ferguson 1921-89 Drese, Adam
406We were not there to see you comeJohn H Gurney 1802-62 and…Stainer, John
853When we walk with the LordJohn H Sammis 1846-1919 Towner, Daniel Brink
229Light up this place with glory, LordJohn Harris (1802-56) Walch, James
219New every morning is the loveJohn Keble (1792-1866) Jones, Roger
806Blessed are the pure in heartJohn Keble 1792-1866 and…Harmonischer Liederschatz
671Sovereign grace and love aboundingJohn Kent 1766-1843 Gauntlett, Henry John
967Hear the church triumphant singingJohn Kent 1766-1843 Southgate, Thomas Bishop
576Should I rehearse with human voiceJohn L Bell and Graham…Iona Community
910O Christ, you wept when grief was rawJohn L Bell and Graham…Miller, Edward
948As if you were not thereJohn L Bell and Graham…Tchaikovsky (Chayovski…
158God, whose almighty wordJohn Marriott…Giardini (Degiardino),…
247How shall I sing that majestyJohn Mason (1646-94) Naylor, Kenneth Nicholson
472The day of resurrectionJohn Mason Neale…Martin, George Clement
CP49Of the Father’s heart begottenJohn Mason Neale, Henry…
375The people who in darkness walkedJohn Morison 1750-98 Dougall, Neil
299How sweet the name of Jesus soundsJohn Newton (1725-1807) Bowater, Chris
326One there is above all othersJohn Newton 1725-1807 Gounod, Charles-François
570Glorious things of you are spokenJohn Newton 1725-1807 Taylor, Cyril Vincent
600Approach my soul, the mercy-seatJohn Newton 1725-1807 Hutcheson, Charles
602Behold the throne of graceJohn Newton 1725-1807 Bach, Johann Sebastian
603Come, my soul, your plea prepareJohn Newton 1725-1807 Knecht, Justin Heinrich
607Great Shepherd of your people, hear!John Newton 1725-1807 Novello, Vincent
717May the grace of Christ our SaviourJohn Newton 1725-1807 Boyce, William
767Though troubles assailJohn Newton 1725-1807 Gauntlett, Henry John
772Amazing grace-how sweet the soundJohn Newton 1725-1807 Virginia Harmony (1831)
791Why should I fear the darkest hourJohn Newton 1725-1807 Vulpius (Fuchs), Melchior
875Begone, unbelief!John Newton 1725-1807 Gauntlett, Henry John
903Rejoice, believer, in the LordJohn Newton 1725-1807 Gauntlett, Henry John
958How long, O Lord, have you bestowedJohn Newton 1725-1807 Kitson, Charles Herbert
276Now may he who from the deadJohn Newton 1725-1807 Peacock, David…
752Wonderful grace that gives what I don’t deserveJohn Pantry Pantry, John
1185He came to earthJohn Pantry Pantry, John
262Sovereign ruler of the skiesJohn Ryland 1753-1825 Companion Tune Book…
660While the bread is yet unbrokenJohn Thomas Norwood…Pearce, Frederick C P
296God the Word addressed the darknessJohn Tindall Earwaker, John Clifford
863The heroes of scriptureJohn Tindall Ellmore, Jackie
522O Holy Spirit, by whose breathJohn W Grant Based on…Macwilliam, Margaret
5021Sometimes good things happenJohnny Burns Burns, Johnny
1192Who has held the oceans in his hands?Jonathan Baird, Meghan…Jonathan Baird, Meghan…
419Hark! The voice of love and mercyJonathan Evans 1748-1809 Musical and Poetic…
116I love my Lord because he heard my voiceJonathan M Barnes Wilson, David Gordon
1317What love, my God, would bring you down to earthJONNY ROBINSON, MICHAEL…Jonny Robinson
1326How I Love The Voice Of Jesus – It Was Finished Upon That CrossJONNY ROBINSON, RICH…Jonny Robinson
1300Though the nations rageJonny Robinson, Rich…Jonny Robinson, Rich…
1307I once was lost in darkest nightJordan Kauflin Kauflin, Jordan
1304Out of the depths I cry to youJordan Kauflin, Keith…Jordan Kauflin, Keith…
263When all your mercies, O my GodJoseph Addison 1672-1719 Ouseley, Frederick Arthur…
637Jesus, how could I ever beJoseph Grigg c. 1720-68…Baker, Henry
307How wonderful the works of GodJoseph Hart 1712-68 Maunder, John Henry
788How good is the God we adoreJoseph Hart 1712-68 Lancashire Sunday School…
614What a friend we have in JesusJoseph M Scriven 1819-86 Converse, Charles Crozat
377Silent night! holy night!Joseph Mohr…Gruber, Franz Xaver
CP57Silent night! Holy night!JOSEPH MOHR 1792–1848;…
666Come, you souls by sin afflictedJoseph Swain 1761-96 Owen, William (Prysgol)
1290Highest heights or deepest deepJosh Caterer Caterer, Josh
310Jesus, the Everlasting WordJosiah Conder 1789-1855 Tomblin, Norman
500The Lord is King! Lift up your voiceJosiah Conder 1789-1855 Jackson, Robert
644Bread of heaven, on you we feedJosiah Conder 1789-1855 Burgoyne’s…
691My Lord, I did not choose youJosiah Conder 1789-1855 Dykes, John Bacchus
474This joyful EastertideJubilate Hymns version of…Mawson, Linda
1130Lamb of GodJudy Gresham Gresham, Judy
1296Lift up your eyes and look for himJudy Gresham Gresham, Judy
1295High in the heavens, exaltedJudy Gresham
CP36Lift up your eyes and look for HimJudy Gresham/Resound…
1220One day we’ll hear the trumpet soundJulia C Grier Geistliche Kirchengesang
1051Lightning flash and rumbling thunderJulie Rowbory White, David Ashley