Church of God, elect and glorious

Church of God, elect and glorious,
holy nation, chosen race;
called as God’s own special people,
royal priests and heirs of grace:
know the purpose of your calling,
show to all his mighty deeds;
tell of love which knows no limits,
grace which meets all human needs.

2. God has called you out of darkness
into his most marvellous light;
brought his truth to life within you,
turned your blindness into sight.
Let your light so shine around you
that God’s name is glorified
and all find fresh hope and purpose
in Christ Jesus crucified.

3. Once you were an alien people,
strangers to God’s heart of love,
but he brought you home in mercy,
citizens of heaven above.
Let his love flow out to others,
let them feel the Father’s care,
that they too may know his welcome
and his countless blessings share.

4. Church of God, elect and holy,
be the people he intends,
strong in faith and swift to answer
each command your Master sends:
royal priests, fulfil your calling
through your sacrifice and prayer;
give your lives in joyful service,
sing his praise, his love declare.

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