High in the heavens, exalted

name above all other names,
Lord over all of creation,
worthy of power and praise.
Blessing and honour and glory
are his eternal reward;
let every knee bow before him
and every tongue say he is Lord.

Jesus, you are exalted and glorified.
Jesus, name above all names, we’ll lift you high.

2. Clothed in the splendour of heaven,
Jesus, eternally God,
emptied yourself, came as nothing,
choosing the road to the cross.
Lord, you were found in our likeness,
shedding your glory to serve;
humble, not claiming advantage,
you laid down your life for the world.

Jesus, you are exalted and glorified…

3. Let us be found in your likeness,
learning to serve as you served,
filled with your Spirit, your fullness,
the fragrance of grace on the earth.
You love the heart that is humble,
you desire worship that’s true;
voices that sing for your glory
and lives that bring honour to you.

Jesus, you are exalted and glorified…

Saviour, all of creation will bow in awe.
Jesus, from every nation we’ll call you Lord,
to the glory of God.

(repeat final line)

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