While the bread is yet unbroken

While the bread is yet unbroken,
while the wine is yet unpoured,
there is time to pray, recalling
what is written in God’s word.

2. Time for contrite, true repentance,
time to root out bitterness,
that our minds will hold no malice,
as we ask the Lord to bless.

3. We are debtors to God’s mercy,
by free grace alone we live.
As we ask to be forgiven,
make us willing to forgive.

4. Lord, prepare each one who gathers,
may no fault go unconfessed,
teach us so to love each other
that our witness may be blessed.

5. Let us each ourselves examine,
that we eat and drink aright,
so shall all receive a blessing,
find in Christ our true delight.

6. While the bread is still unbroken,
while the wine is still unpoured,
as our thoughts dwell on Christ’s sufferings,
search and cleanse us, living Lord.

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