When numbers are against us

When numbers are against us
and rival gods seem strong,
when truth appears defeated
by what is plainly wrong;
the God of fire and water,
of mountain, sea and sky,
the Lord God of Elijah
will claim the victory!

2.   When wars and earthquakes rumble
and fear or famine reign,
corruption stains whole nations
and earth travails in pain,
when hearts and hands are failing,
and every face grows pale,
we turn afresh to Jesus
whose words will never fail.

3.    From Carmel to Mount Zion
the plan of God holds firm;
by grace we stand with prophets
and martyrs, through the storm:
we join those first apostles
to share the broken bread;
we drink the cup of blessing,
one body with one Head.

4.   No tyrant or imposter
will have the final word;
the cross becomes our glory,
the gospel we have heard;
if doubts or fears assail us,
what will the future bring?
our hope is in his promise–
the advent of our King!



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