We pray for those among us who are grieving

We pray for those among us who are grieving:
feeling the force of sorrow’s gnawing pain,
finding no trace of hope or consolation
beneath the weight of never-ending strain.

2. When every day is marred by empty aching—
the unheard voice, the face no longer seen—
Lord, may your Spirit’s gentle touch bring closure
for all that was and all that might have been.

3. As time goes on, give strength for readjustments:
to face the truth when changes must be made.
Through new perspectives, through supportive friendships,
may signs of brighter futures be displayed.

4. Beyond the grief we ask for new tomorrows
where bitter wounds are healed, and joy restored;
where those we love, and we who mourn their passing,
are safely cherished in your kindness, Lord.

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