The only power that cleanses me

The only power that cleanses me
is in the blood of Jesus,
and as I look to Calvary,
his sacrifice I see.

And anything that I might give would always be too small
to ever pay the debt I owe to him who gave his life for me,
to him who gave me all.

2 The only love that sets me free
is in the heart of Jesus;
a heart so full of tenderness
and faithfulness to me.

And anything that I might give would always be too small

3. I never cease to be amazed
that he should love so dearly,
a child of such unworthiness,
a sinner such as me.

And anything that I might give would always be too small

So Jesus, take this thankful heart, although my gift is small.
And I will live to worship you, because you gave your life for me,
because you gave me all.

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