Step by Step

Step by step, Lord, come and lead me
out of darkness into light;
may my choices, words and actions
show your love and bring delight.
Help me fix my eyes on Jesus,
dedicate myself to you,
for your love is strong and steadfast,
always gracious, always true.

2. Day by day, Lord, mould and shape me,
I am clay within your hands,
grow my faith through trials and blessings
that fulfil your perfect plans.
In my brokenness transform me
to the image of your Son,
till obedience is my passion
and my life is yours alone.

3. To the lost and broken send me,
let me take your saving grace,
offering mercy, joy and comfort—
may they see your loving face.
Show the world your wondrous mercy,
grace on which we can depend,
then they’ll know you as I know you:
holy God and faithful friend.

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