My Lord, I often tremble with such fear

to stand for you and speak your truth so clear;
to hold up high the standard of your Name,
to live, or die, without a hint of shame.
These days are cold, the light of love is low;
the times are hard, and so few seem to know
that you are here and making all things new—
my only hope, my only strength is you.

2 You are the King whose rule can never end.
You are the Lamb, my sacrificial Friend.
You are the One who gave himself for all.
You are the answer to my deepest call.
And yet, my faith is fragile and so thin,
so quick to hide and sink deep down within.
O raise me up and fill me with your light—
then walk with me and arm me for the fight.

3 Great is the cloud of those whose race is run;
their faith now crowned with joys of victory won.
And while we struggle in our battles here
they know that perfect love has cast out fear.
So may your love displace my faithlessness,
may I be clothed in your own righteousness.
My hope, my passion, by your Spirit’s breath,
to live for Jesus now and beyond death.

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