O my soul, arise and bless your Maker

for he is your master and your friend.
Slow to wrath but rich in tender mercy;
worship the Saviour, Jesus.

2. King of grace, his love is overwhelming;
bread of life, he’s all I’ll ever need,
for his blood has purchased me forever:
bought at the cross of Jesus.

And I will sing for all my days
of heaven’s love come down.
Each breath I take will speak his praise
until he calls me home.

3. When I wake, I know that he is with me;
when I’m weak, I know that he is strong.
Though I fall, his arm is there to lean on:
safe on the rock of Jesus.

4. Stir in me the songs that you are singing;
fill my gaze with things as yet unseen.
Give me faith to move in works of power,
making me more like Jesus.

And I will sing for all my days…

5. Then one day I’ll see him as he sees me,
face to face, the lover and the loved;
no more words, the longing will be over:
there with my precious Jesus.

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