We praise the God in whom we trust

We praise the God in whom we trust,
our Rock is good, his ways are just.
Our faithful God can do no wrong;
with him and to him we belong;
with him and to him we belong.

2. Yet we have loved and worshipped lies,
our hearts are foolish, weak, unwise.
Our name we praise, his name we mock;
deserted stands our God the Rock;
deserted stands our God the Rock.

3. Is this the way you thank the Lord
when he through grace has hope assured?
Your life he formed, your soul he won;
give thanks and praise for Christ his Son;
give thanks and praise for Christ his Son.

4. See now that he alone is Lord,
his enemies will face the sword.
He will avenge his people’s blood:
rejoice and know that God is good;
rejoice and know that God is good.

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