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Over 1300 Items
A vast catalogue to choose from
A growing collection of over 1300 items, including words, lead sheets and full score. Our collection in- cludes everything we published in our Praise! Hymnbook in 2000, plus over 300 items we have published online since then. We continue to publish new items each year.
Unlimited Downloads
For just £15 a year
An annual subscription of just £15 gives you access to all the words, music and background information on each item. There is no limit to the number of downloads you can do. This is the best value licence available to pastors, service leaders and musicians for your church needs.

More features
Curated Collection of Trusted Songs
Ensuring that everything we publish is biblically reliable
Our collection is a curated selection of quality and trusted psalms, hymns and songs, drawing on what is published elsewhere. We conduct a careful review of all the words as part of our editorial process, and only publish only what agrees with our doctrinal basis.
Search Engine
Search for words, themes, metres, scripture references, and authors
Our search engine allows you to search all items by number, key words, first lines, theme, scripture reference and authors. You can also search tunes by name and metre.
New Favourites
Make your own selection
You can tag any item as a favourite and it will show up in your favourites list.
Copyright Management
For authors and composers
We provide a copyright management service for authors and composers, acting on their behalf to handle enquiries from other publishers.
Revised Words for Traditional Songs
Intelligibility for those new to church
It has been a core conviction for us that just as we read the Bible in contemporary English, so traditional hymns in archaic language should also be sensitively revised to help those who are new to church to worship God.
One Version of Every Psalm
Singing the psalms today
Increasingly, churches are rediscovering the Book of Psalms as the deepest source of spiritual truth. Our collection includes a version of every psalm, some that are close to the text.
For just £15 p/yr
What People Say
If you would like your church to be listed here, please do contact us. We would be delighted to hear from you.
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What does my subscription cover?
Becoming a subscriber to praise.org.uk gives you unlimited access to our online catalogue of over 1300 items. You can download any item as many times as you want. Some items also come with arrangements for different instruments, or an MP3 recording of the tune.
Your subscription gives you access to our search engine, which has several search functions, including searching by word or first line, author, composer, metre, tune, Scripture reference or theme.
Your subscription also gives you access to background information about the author and, in many cases, how the hymn or song and its tune came to be written.
Your subscription is an annual subscription. If you save your payment details, your subscription will renew automatically after one year. You can update your payment details at any time via the My account tab, where you can also manage or cancel your subscription.
For just £15 p/yr
We are looking for more volunteers to help with music arrangement and composing, as well as publicity and advertising.
Latest News
Recruiting! – Marketing Assistant
We are looking to recruit someone with experience of marketing and advertising, who shares our values and has an interest in church worship, to help us improve the way we market our work. Praise Trust…
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Timothy Dudley-Smith – 1926-2024 – A tribute
Timothy Dudley-Smith - 1926-2024 A tribute It is with a mixture of sadness and thanksgiving that we record the passing to glory of Timothy Dudley-Smith. We are so thankful to God for the gift…
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Good words + Good tune =
We invited Andy Fenton, Director of Music Ministry, to write a guest post for us on the importance of words and music together in worship. Andy has also posted this on the Music Ministry website.…
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