Tips for building musical contributions in your church at Christmas

October 16, 2023

At Praise Trust we are keen to suggest ideas to churches and church musicians to help you. Christmas is getting nearer, so it is time to start thinking about how we prepare the church’s music.

If you are in a musically active church, with several musicians who play regularly, and a singing group that convenes each year as the nights draw in, then this can be a special, if demanding, time.

But what happens if your church struggles with its music? Are you intimidated by what other churches can achieve? Does it seem like an impossible mountain to climb? We’ve spoken to Linda Mawson who heads up Praise Trust’s Music Review Team. Here are some of her top tips for a church to maximise its music potential at Christmas.


1. Begin now, (or preferably in September), by finding out what musical abilities and enthusiasm you have amongst the church family.



2. From both sessions, say little and identify what you think is possible for Christmas



3. Choose your options



4. Invite those you want to develop the music with, either instrumental or vocal, or both, but separately.


If this works well, plan to do a little more at Easter and beyond!



Do you know of something else that works well? Let us know via our social media channels on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

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