Your work, not mine, O Christ

Your work, not mine, O Christ,
speaks gladness to this heart,
it tells me all is done
and bids my fear depart.

To whom but you,
who can alone
for sin atone,
Lord, shall I go?

2. Your wounds, not mine, O Christ,
can heal my damaged soul;
your stripes, not mine, contain
the balm that makes me whole.

3. Your cross, not mine, O Christ,
has borne the awful load
of sins that none could bear
except the incarnate God.

4. Your death, not mine, O Christ,
has paid the ransom due;
ten thousand deaths like mine
would have been all too few.

5. Your righteousness, O Christ,
alone can cover me;
no righteousness but yours
suffices for my plea.

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