Yes, finished! The Messiah dies

Yes, finished! the messiah dies,
cut off for sins, but not his own;
completed is the sacrifice,
the great redeeming work is done.
Yes, finished! all the debt is paid,
justice divine is satisfied,
the grand and full atonement made:
God for a guilty world has died!

2. The temple curtain is torn down,
the living way to heaven is seen;
through Christ, the middle wall has gone
and all who will may enter in.
The ancient shadows are fulfilled,
the law’s harsh sentence is applied,
the sinless Lamb of God is killed,
the covenant is ratified.

3. The reign of sin and death is done,
and all may live, from sin set free;
Satan and his pretended throne
are swallowed up in victory.
Saved from the curse of God I am;
my Saviour hangs upon a tree!
See there the meek and silent Lamb;
his final breath he breathes for me.

4. In Christ accepted and brought near
and clothed in righteousness divine,
I see the path to life made clear,
and all your merits, Lord, are mine.
Death, hell and sin are now subdued,
all grace is now to sinners given,
and so I plead the atoning blood
and by your gift, receive your heaven.

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