Why did you choose me-what have I done

Why did you choose me-what have I done
that you should call me your child, your loved one?
How can I answer to love so profound?
Once I was lost without you-now I am found.

2. Lord will you teach me all I need know,
guide me and hold me and help me to grow?
You gave me life and breath, gifts that abound.
Once I was lost without you-now I am found.

3. Sometimes, O Lord, I can scarcely believe
you really love me. I have nothing to give,
you came and turned my whole life upside down.
Once I was lost without you-now I am found.

4. Lord, I can’t answer-what can I say
now that you’ve taken my sins all away?
You showed what love is from a cross in the ground.
Once I was lost without you-now I am found.

5. Soon I will see you, it will not be long,
meanwhile I’ll sing from my heart with this song-
never again will I stray from your side.
Once I was dead without you-now I’m alive!

6. Why did you choose me-what have I done
that you should call me your child, your loved one?
How can I answer to love so profound?
Once I was lost without you-now I am found.

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