We need each other’s voice to sing

We need each other’s voice to sing
the songs our hearts would raise,
to set the whole world echoing
with one great hymn of praise.
We blend our voices to complete
the melody that starts
with God who sets and keeps the beat
that life and love imparts.

We give our hallelujahs
to the church’s common chord.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Praise, O praise, O praise the Lord!

2 We need each other’s strength to lift
the cross we’re called to bear.
Each other’s presence is a gift
of God’s incarnate care.
When acts of love and tender speech
convey the Saviour’s voice,
then praise exceeds what words can reach
and we with song rejoice:

3 We need each other’s views to see
the limits of the mind,
that God in fact turns out to be
far more than we’ve defined,
that God’s one image shines in all,
in every class and race,
and every group received the call
to sing with faith and grace:

4 We need each other’s voice to sing,
each other’s strength to love,
each other’s views to help us bring
our hearts to God above.
Our lives like coals placed side by side
to feed each other’s flame,
shall, with the Spirit’s breath, provide
a blaze of faith to claim:

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