No weight of gold or silver

No weight of gold or silver
can measure human worth;
no soul secures its ransom
with all the wealth of earth;
no sinners find their freedom
but by the gift unpriced,
the Lamb of God unblemished,
the precious blood of Christ.

2. Our sins, our griefs and troubles,
he bore and made his own;
we hid our faces from him,
rejected and alone.
His wounds are for our healing,
our peace is by his pain:
behold, the Man of Sorrows,
the Lamb for sinners slain!

3. In Christ the past is over,
a new world now begins;
with him we rise to freedom
who saves us from our sins.
We live by faith in Jesus
to make his glory known:
behold, the Man of Sorrows,
the Lamb upon his throne!

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