Light of the world, true light divine

Light of the world, true light divine,
in glory break and splendour shine
upon our nature’s night,
upon our nature’s night!
The darkness dies before the morn
and God himself a child is born,
the long-awaited Light,
the long-awaited Light.

2. Life of the world, a life laid down,
who chose the cross before the crown
and opened heaven’s door,
and opened heaven’s door:
he broke the chains of death and hell,
our Saviour Christ, Emmanuel,
who lives for evermore,
who lives for evermore.

3. Lord of all worlds, a manger bed
was room enough to lay your head
when, from your throne above,
when, from your throne above,
you came to set a lost world right,
immortal Life, unfading Light,
and all-prevailing Love,
and all-prevailing Love.

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