In the beginning, at the dawn of time

In the beginning, at the dawn of time,
we walked the earth in dignity sublime;
as his own image God had made mankind,
for him to live and in him meaning find.

2. But Adam fell and with him all our race;
now we’re made perfect only by God’s grace;
but, though we marred his image in the fall,
still marks of glory dignify us all.

3. Lord, may we value all with highest worth,
whatever creed or class they are by birth;
honour the old, protect the unborn life,
though all around is cruelty and strife.

4. Lord, may we love and serve our neighbour well,
Christ’s kindness show, his glorious gospel tell;
till he returns, our Saviour come again,
to end injustice and in truth to reign.

5. Then we shall see him as he really is
and shall be like him, in his sinlessness;
then, as his image, we will praise, adore
and, in his likeness, serve him evermore.

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