I long for heaven

I long for heaven; I long to be with Christ;
I long to see him face to face.
All darkness gone, and there will be no night;
a life of joy and light and peace—
to all who thirst, the water of life
flowing from the throne.
And God himself will be our God.
Come quickly, Lord! O come, Lord Jesus!
I long to be at home.

2. We long for heaven, and as the bride of Christ
we long to see that wedding day.
All sin is gone, and there is no more curse;
the former things have passed away.
No tears, no death, no mourning, no pain;
no more crying now
for God himself will be our God.
Come quickly, Lord! O come, Lord Jesus!
We long to be at home.

3. I long for heaven; I long to praise my King;
I long to see his majesty:
the one who died, abandoned on a cross,
that he might save and rescue me,
now lifted to the highest place.
With what joy I see
that God himself will be our God.
Come quickly, Lord! O come, Lord Jesus!
I long to be at home.

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