I lift my eyes up to the hills – Psalm 121

from where does my help come?
My help comes from the Maker of
the heavens and the earth.
He will not let my foot be moved;
he keeps my journey safe.

O my soul, praise the LORD Most High;
strong to save, he upholds my life.
For evermore he will be my light;
I lift my eyes up to the LORD Most High.

2 He is the shade at my right hand,
my shelter in the storm;
no sun by day, nor moon by night
shall ever bring me harm.
He will not slumber, will not sleep;
he watches all my ways.

O my soul…

3 I lift my eyes up to the hills;
from where does my help come?
My help comes from the Maker of
the heavens and the earth.
The God of Israel is my guide
wherever I may go;
and in his strength I will abide
until he leads me home.

O my soul, praise the LORD Most High;
strong to save, he upholds my life.
For evermore he will be my light;
I lift my eyes up to the LORD.

O my soul, praise the LORD Most High;
strong to save, he upholds my life.
For evermore he will be my light;
I lift my eyes up to the LORD Most High,
I lift my eyes up to the LORD Most High.

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