I know that my Redeemer

I know that my redeemer
lives crowned upon the throne;
Lord over earth and heaven,
he saves, and he alone;
he conquered death by dying
upon the accursed tree,
and from his death sprang glorious
eternal life for me.

2. I think upon my Saviour,
I trust his power to keep,
his mighty arm enfolds me
awaking and in sleep.
Christ is my rock, my courage;
Christ is my soul’s true life;
and Christ-my heart still knows it-
will bear me through the strife.

3. In Jesus’ name I’m living;
in Jesus’ name I’ll die;
I’ll fear not, though life’s vigour
from death’s cold shadow fly.
O grave, where is your triumph?
O death, where is your sting?
Come when you will, and welcome!
Secure in Christ I sing.

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