I greet my sure Redeemer and my King

I greet my sure redeemer and my king.
You are my trust; accept the love I bring.
What pain you suffered, Jesus, for my sake;
I pray you from our hearts all cares to take.

2. You are the King of mercy and of grace,
reigning omnipotent in every place;
so come, and our whole being move, we pray;
shine on us with the light of your pure day.

3. You are the life by which alone we live
and all our substance and our strength receive.
O comfort us in death’s approaching hour,
strong-hearted then to face it by your power.

4. You have the true and perfect gentleness.
You have no harshness and no bitterness.
Lord, grant to us the grace in you we see,
that we may live in perfect unity.

5. Our hope is founded on your holy word.
Our faith is built on every promise, Lord.
Grant us your peace; make us so strong and pure
that we may conquerors be, all ills endure.

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