I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they’re wonderful

I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they’re wonderful.
I can’t begin to measure your great love.
I cannot count the times you have forgiven me
and changed me by your Spirit from above.

How I worship you, my Father,
you are wonderful.
How I glorify you, Jesus,
you’re my Lord.
How I praise you, Holy Spirit,
you have changed my life
and you’re now at work in me
to change the world.

2. When I was blind you opened up my eyes to see.
When I was dead you gave me life anew.
When I was lost you found me and you rescued me
and carried me, rejoicing, home with you.

3. I cannot count your mercies, Lord, they’re marvellous.
I can’t begin to measure your great grace.
I cannot count the times that you have answered me
whenever I have prayed and sought your face.

4. Whenever I consider what I am to you
my heart is filled with wonder, love and awe.
I want to share with others that you love them too
and tell the world of Jesus, more and more.

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