God is the giver

God is the giver of all things that are;
worlds without end were fashioned by his hand,
from earth’s foundations to the furthest star,
in splendour shining, countless as the sand.

2. God is the giver: from his love derive
each conscious being, all our life and breath,
by whose sustaining care we live and thrive,
our strong deliverer at the gates of death.

3. God is the giver, always, everywhere,
through every harvest that the world affords;
so may we learn the gifts of God to share:
we are but stewards, earth is still the Lord’s.

4. God is the giver, for he gave his Son
to bear with us our nature and our pain,
who on the cross our forfeit freedom won,
who from the grave to glory rose again.

5. God is the giver: he it is who showers
such gifts upon us, worthy of a King.
All things through Christ in life and death are ours;
have we no gifts of thankfulness to bring?

6. O God the giver, in your hands we place
our wealth, our time, and all we call our own.
Take now our love, transform us by your grace,
for all we have and are is yours alone.

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