Easter Garden

Easter garden: winter has gone away.
From the dark ground seeds are rising into the light.
What a sight for watching eyes:
seeds from their graves are waking.
Easter garden tells us that God gives life.

2. Early morning: Mary was watching there;
saw the gardener: ‘Where have they laid my Lord, this night?’
Jesus spoke, and then she knew
he out of death had broken.
Easter garden tells us that God is life.

3. Now ascended, seated at God’s right hand,
Jesus sends his Spirit to all who trust in him.
So we’ll never be alone;
he in our hearts is dwelling.
We walk Jesus’ way of eternal life.

4. Easter speaks profoundly of mighty deeds:
God has sent his Son to conquer both sin and death
by Jesus’ cross and empty tomb—
truths that remain unshaken;
Easter sings with joy in eternal life.

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