Christ the Word who spoke creation

Christ the word who spoke creation,
calling forth the fruitful earth;
Christ the Word of earth’s salvation,
bringing all things to new birth:
you we worship, you we worship,
praising your eternal worth.

2. By your breath came lands and waters,
flowers and forests, beasts and birds
and your human sons and daughters,
nourished by your perfect words;
you are wisdom, you are wisdom:
through all time your voice is heard.

3. Lost and loveless we have wandered
far from your free Spirit’s law;
earth’s good gifts we spoiled and squandered
in our pride and greed for more:
still you call us, still you call us,
you the truth, the life, the door.

4. In your life and death came healing,
Word made flesh, our servant-friend;
risen now, your light revealing
our great hope, our glorious end:
you we follow, you we follow,
let your love our steps attend.

5. Christ the Word to close earth’s story
when you open heaven’s scroll,
Christ in us the hope of glory,
recreate us—body and soul
in your image, in your image
make us holy, make us whole.

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