Object of my first desire

Object of my first desire,
Jesus, crucified for me!
all to happiness aspire:
you alone our joy can be.
You to please, and you to know,
these are my delight below;
you to see, and you to love,
these are my delight above.

2. Lord, it is not life to live,
if your presence you deny;
Lord, if you your presence give,
then it is not death to die.
Source and giver of repose,
from your smile alone it flows;
peace and happiness divine
mine must be, if you are mine.

3. While I feel your love is near,
all creation teems with joy;
may I walk beside you here,
then into your presence die!
You alone may I possess,
total sum of happiness!
Perfect joy I then shall prove,
heaven below and heaven above.

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