Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us

Come and bless us, Lord! while you are beside us
nothing in the world ever will divide us.
All is for the best,
safe within your keeping,
both in joy and weeping,
we are richly blessed.

2. Blessings cannot be hoarded for tomorrow,
we must share your wealth, which we freely borrow.
Selfishness must cease,
ills be healed by caring:
in the act of sharing
blessings will increase.

3. You have promised us peace beyond all measure,
let your peace be seen as the world’s best treasure.
Help us now release
those who sow in sorrow;
root our glad tomorrow
firmly in your peace.

4. Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us
nothing in the world ever will divide us.
All is for the best,
safe within your keeping,
both in joy and weeping,
we are richly blessed.

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