According to your gracious word

According to your gracious word,
because you died for me,
I will remember you, my Lord,
in meek humility.

2. Your body, broken for my sake,
my bread from heaven shall be;
I will remember you, and take
this cup you gave for me.

3. Can I Gethsemane forget?
or your fierce conflict see,
and not remember there your sweat
in blood and agony?

4. And when I look upon your blood
once shed on Calvary,
I will remember, Lamb of God,
your sacrifice for me.

5. Yes, while a breath, a pulse remains,
this is my only plea;
I will remember all your pains,
which made me whole and free.

6. And when these failing lips grow dumb
and mind and memory flee,
when you shall in your kingdom come,
Jesus, remember me.

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