Author: Siân Cook
When worries blur our vision
till we cannot see the way;
when problems rise to fill our minds
perspective falls away.
We must set our hearts on eternity,
fix our thoughts on what is sure.
God will use all things for his purposes:
in his love we are secure.
2. When we feel weak and weary,
when we’re battling within,
we must remember who we are—
we’re children of the King!
So when troubles come and we feel the strain,
when life’s hard to understand,
we can always trust in our Father God:
all our days are in his hand.
3. When burdens overwhelm us
and we can’t pray as we ought,
we have a God who knows our hearts
and listens to our thoughts.
When the Spirit’s power intercedes for us,
groans that words cannot express,
then the peace of God guards our hearts and minds:
in our Saviour’s grace we’ll rest.
Copyright: © 2008 Siân Cook/Praise Trust