Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith
When to our world the saviour came
the sick and helpless heard his name,
and in their weakness longed to see
the healing Christ of Galilee.
2. That good physician! night and day
the people thronged about his way;
and wonder ran from soul to soul,
‘The touch of Christ has made us whole!’
3. His praises then were heard and sung
by opened ears and loosened tongue,
while lightened eyes could see and know
the healing Christ of long ago.
4. Of long ago: yet living still,
who died for us on Calvary’s hill;
who triumphed over cross and grave,
his healing hands stretched forth to save.
5. Those wounded hands are still the same,
and all who serve that saving name
may share today in Jesus’ plan,
the healing Christ of everyman.
6. Then grant us, Lord, in this our day,
to hear the prayers the helpless pray;
give to us hearts their pain to share,
make of us hands to tend and care.
7. Make us your hands! for Christ to live,
in prayer and service, swift to give;
till all the world rejoice to find
the healing Christ of all mankind.
Scriptures: Jeremiah 17:14, Luke 17:11-19, Acts 10:38, Isaiah 53:4, Mark 8:22-26, Mark 10:46-52, Luke 24:40, Acts 4:12, Acts 3:16, Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Mark 5, Luke 6:17-19, Luke 8:26-56, Luke 13:10-13, John 20:20, Matthew 8:1-17, Luke 7:1-10, Luke 18:35-43, John 9:1-25, Mark 1:40-45, Mark 9:14-29, Jeremiah 30:17, Matthew 4:23-25, Matthew 9:18-34, Matthew 12:9-13, Matthew 14:34-36, Matthew 15:21-31, Matthew 17:14-18, Mark 1:21-34, Mark 3:1-12, Mark 6:53-56, Mark 7:24-37, Luke 4:31-41, Luke 5:12-26, Luke 6:6-11, Luke 9:37-43, Luke 14:1-6, John 4:43-54, John 5:1-18
Copyright: © Author / Oxford University Press