When morning gilds the skies

When morning gilds the skies,
my heart awaking cries:
may Jesus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and prayer
let this be all my care:
may Jesus Christ be praised!

2. To God the Word on high
the hosts of angels cry:
may Jesus Christ be praised!
Let mortals, too, upraise
their voice in hymns of praise:
may Jesus Christ be praised!

3. Let earth’s wide circle round
in joyful notes resound:
may Jesus Christ be praised!
Let air and sea and sky
from depth to height reply:
may Jesus Christ be praised!

4. The night becomes as day
when from the heart we say:
may Jesus Christ be praised!
The powers of darkness fear
when this glad song they hear,
may Jesus Christ be praised!

5. Does sadness fill my mind?
My strength in him I find:
may Jesus Christ be praised!
When earthly hopes grow dim
my comfort is in him:
may Jesus Christ be praised!

6. Be this, while life is mine,
my hymn of love divine:
may Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this the eternal song
through all the ages long:
may Jesus Christ be praised!

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