Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith
Though one with God in form divine,
by this the love of Christ is shown:
he chose in mercy to resign
his place beside the Father’s throne.
He laid his kingly glories down,
in self-surrender stooped to save,
and stripped himself of state and crown
to bear the likeness of a slave.
2. Intent to do the Father’s will,
in human form and flesh he came;
and to the last obedient still
he died in agony and shame.
Till from the dark of death’s repose,
the shuttered tomb, the midnight hour,
the Lord of life to glory rose,
exalted by the Father’s power.
3. To him, by God the Father given,
that Name belongs, all names above,
a Name unmatched in earth or heaven
for honour, majesty and love.
His Name let all creation bless,
on bended knees in homage fall;
and to the Father’s praise confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord of all!
Scripture: Philippians 2:6-11
Copyright: TIMOTHY DUDLEY-SMITH © 2002 TIMOTHY DUDLEY-SMITH in Europe and Africa. © HOPE PUBLISHING COMPANY in the United States of America and the rest of the world. Reproduced by permission of OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. All rights reserved.