This is the day the Lord himself has made

This is the day the Lord himself has made;
this is the day that he has set apart,
to hear his word, to sing aloud his praise,
so let us hide this word within our heart.

2. Lord Jesus Christ, once dying for our sins;
buried, but now alive for evermore;
risen, ascended, glorified in heaven:
we bow before you, worship and adore.

3. As you are speaking, let us hear your voice:
grant us the grace, Lord, of a listening ear;
hearts to receive the holy Scriptures’ truth;
lives that obey your will, this day made clear.

4. Take us and mould us with your loving hands;
more than our pardon you have won through pain:
no more our own but, Saviour, we are yours;
you did not pay the price for us in vain.

5. So grant us, Lord, that likeness to yourself,
one perfect image of your light above,
able to worship and to serve alone
him who now holds us in his perfect love.

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