1267. Son of God, holy one

Author: Matt Rushby

you exchanged heaven’s light
for a carpenter’s labouring hands.
You came down to your own,
chose our home as your home,
stood before us as God made man.
Though you healed, forgave, lived a perfect life,
like a sinner condemned you died,
bearing all the righteous wrath of God
on the awful cross of Christ.

2. In my place you were nailed,
you were beaten and shamed;
yet your death takes all sin away
far as east is from west,
freed from guilt, ever-blessed
by the pain that you bore that day,
all at your expense, undeservedly,
all God’s riches are offered me,
all the grace of God to sinners shown
on the glorious cross of Christ.

3. Shut and sealed in a tomb,
but in measureless strength
you defeated the grave’s great power.
Now the conqueror of death
and of sin and of hell,
he is risen, all fear is gone!
Love so deep and sure, life for evermore
lavished freely on those who live
in the saving power of God, displayed
in the empty tomb of Christ!

4. Now ascended, you reign
as you’re seated again
at the Father’s right hand in heaven.
And our hope is secure,
for your promise is sure
that you’re coming again one day.
Then at last we’ll see all the majesty
of the glorious King we serve,
as eternity resounds with praise
for the precious cross of Christ.

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