Author: Susie Hare
Only by the grace of Jesus,
only by his sacrifice,
love unmerited, love unlimited
pours upon our lives.
Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords
who paid the cost,
took our guilt, took our shame,
took our sins upon the cross.
This is the greatness of his mercy,
the Saviour takes the sinner’s place;
this is the sacrifice of heaven,
this is the wonder of his grace.
2. Only by the grace of Jesus,
saved through faith and freed from sin,
may we live, transformed, forgiven,
lives that honour him.
Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords
who came to save,
conquered death, conquered fear
when he rose up from the grave.
This is the greatness of his mercy…
3. Only by the grace of Jesus,
not by anything we have done,
only justified by mercy,
by his blood we come.
Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords
who died for us,
now he lives, now he reigns
over all, victorious.
This is the greatness of his mercy…
(Chorus twice to end)