
On Christmas night all Christians sing

to hear the news the angels bring;
on Christmas night all Christians sing
to hear the news the angels bring:
news of great joy for all the earth,
news of our merciful King’s birth.

2 Then let us be no longer sad,
since our Redeemer makes us glad;
then let us be no longer sad,
since our Redeemer makes us glad,
when from our sin he set us free
all for to gain our liberty.

3 When sin departs before his grace
then life and health come in its place;
when sin departs before his grace
then life and health come in its place;
angels again with joy may sing,
for all to see the newborn King.

4 All out of darkness we have light,
which made the angels sing this night:
all out of darkness we have light
which made the angels sing this night:
‘Glory to God, goodwill and peace
be to us now and never cease!’

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