Not to us be glory given

Not to us be glory given
but to him who reigns above:
Glory to the God of heaven
for his faithfulness and love!
What though unbelieving voices
hear no word and see no sign,
still in God my heart rejoices,
working out his will divine.

2. Not what human fingers fashion,
gold and silver, deaf and blind,
dead to knowledge and compassion,
having neither heart nor mind,
lifeless gods, yet some adore them,
nerveless hands and feet of clay;
all become, who bow before them,
lost indeed, and dead as they.

3. Not in them is hope of blessing,
hope is in the living Lord:
high and low, his name confessing,
find in him their shield and sword.
Hope of all whose hearts revere him,
God of Israel, still the same!
God of Aaron! Those who fear him,
he remembers them by name.

4. Not the dead, but we the living
praise the Lord with all our powers;
of his goodness freely giving,
his is heaven; earth is ours.
Not to us be glory given
but to him who reigns above:
Glory to the God of heaven,
for his faithfulness and love!

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