Author: Susie Hare
No greater love was ever known,
nor such compassion ever shown,
than on the cross of Calvary
where Jesus gave his life for me.
Amazing love, amazing grace:
Jesus my Redeemer dying in my place.
The sinless King, the Righteous One:
gift from God the Father
of his one and only Son.
2. No greater sacrifice was made,
nor such a ransom ever paid,
than when the spotless Lamb stood in
to pay the price for all my sin.
Amazing love that saw my shame,
giving me forgiveness, taking all the blame,
that I, the guilty one, could be
washed and cleansed for ever
by the blood he shed for me.
3. No greater pain was ever borne,
nor such a crowd so full of scorn,
as with their shouts of ‘Crucify!’
they stood and watched the Saviour die.
Amazing love that took my sins
to the cross of Jesus, nailed them there with him.
The Son of God, in agony,
crying to the Father:
‘Why have you forsaken me?’
4. This King of kings who came to save
went from the cross into the grave,
but death could never keep him in
and from the grave he rose again.
Amazing love that won for me
hope of life eternal bought at Calvary.
The risen King, who reigns above,
died to be my Saviour;
there could be no greater love.
Amazing love that won for me
hope of life eternal bought at Calvary.
The risen King, who reigns above,
died to be my Saviour;
there could be no greater love.