Lord, as the day begins

Lord, as the day begins
lift up our hearts in praise;
take from us all our sins,
guard us in all our ways:
our every step direct and guide
that Christ in all be glorified!

2. Christ be in work and skill,
serving each other’s need;
Christ be in thought and will,
Christ be in word and deed:
our minds be set on things above
in joy and peace, in faith and love.

3. Grant us the Spirit’s strength,
teach us to walk his way;
so bring us all at length
safe to the close of day:
from hour to hour sustain and bless
and let our song be thankfulness.

4. Now, as the day begins
make it the best of days;
take from us all our sins,
guard us in all our ways:
our every step direct and guide
that Christ in all be glorified!

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