Infinite God, to you we raise

Infinite God, to you we raise
our hearts in solemn songs of praise;
by all your works on earth adored,
we worship you, the one true Lord;
the everlasting Father own
and bow our souls before your throne.

2. To you the choir of angels sings,
the Lord of hosts, the King of kings;
all heaven proclaims your praise aloud
and shouts your name, the triune God;
they ‘Holy, holy, holy’ cry,
‘your glory fills the earth and sky!’

3. God of the ancient chosen race,
the scribes of old record your praise;
apostles, prophets, all proclaim
the wonders of your mighty name;
and all the saints in glory join
to sing your majesty divine.

4. Head of the white-robed martyrs’ host,
of you they rightly make their boast;
the church, to earth’s remotest bounds
her heavenly founder’s praise resounds,
and with the creatures round the throne
they worship you, the Three-in-One.

5. Father of endless majesty,
who were and are and yet shall be,
your Son, our Saviour, we adore,
the same in dignity and power;
your Holy Spirit we declare
the saints’ eternal comforter.

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