119C. How can the way of youth be pure

Author: The Psalter 1912, ALT

How can the way of youth be pure,
what guiding light can wisdom give?
Their path, O Lord, shall be secure
if by your holy word they live.

2. With all my heart I seek you, Lord;
O let me not from you depart!
To guard my steps from sin, your word
I safely cherish in my heart.

3. All praise, O gracious Lord, be yours!
Teach me the truth of your decrees;
so with my lips I speak your laws,
your precepts and your promises.

4. As those who in their wealth rejoice
so is my joy to heed your ways;
my ears will listen to your voice,
my mind reflect, my mouth give praise.

5. As your decrees are my delight
so shall I not neglect your law;
here is my study, day and night,
here may I walk for evermore.

Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Deuteronomy 11:18-21, Jeremiah 29:13, Romans 7:22, Psalms 119:9-16, Proverbs 3:13-15, Proverbs 7:2

Copyright: © In this version Praise Trust