Author: James Young
let all creation fill with advent joy!
See in the sky, there countless angels sing,
bursting with news of their incarnate King.
See on the earth, small Bethlehem awakes
to find a Saviour and a song of praise!
2 This Saviour’s birth was promised long ago,
at the beginning of our world of woe,
when Adam sinned and Eve believed the lie—
creation cursed and mankind doomed to die.
All hope was gone until these words were said:
‘The woman’s Seed will crush the serpent’s head.’
3 Then the LORD spoke his promise once again,
calling one man to put his faith in him:
‘Through you I’ll bless all peoples of the earth…
she who is childless will in time give birth.’
Rejoice with laughter when this Son is given,
and see, by faith, the coming Christ from heaven.
4 Heaven must sing, and earth will find a voice—
let all creation fill with advent joy!
The promised Seed, the promised Son has come,
the Lord of heaven makes the earth his home.
Jesus is born to end the serpent’s reign
and make us children of our God again.
Copyright: © 2011 JAMES YOUNG