932. God of mercy, hear our prayer

Author: Thomas Hastings 1784-1872

God of mercy, hear our prayer
for the children you have given;
let them all your blessings share:
grace on earth and joy in heaven!

2. In the morning of their days
may their hearts to you be drawn;
let them learn to sing your praise
from their childhood’s early dawn.

3. Cleanse their souls from every stain
through the Saviour’s precious blood;
let them all be born again
and be reconciled to God.

4. For this mercy, Lord, we cry;
open now your gracious ear;
since on you our souls rely,
hear our prayer, in mercy hear!

Scriptures: Psalms 82, Matthew 21:15-16, John 3:3-8, 1 John 1:9, 2 Corinthians 5:20, 1 Samuel 2:26, Psalms 127:3

Copyright: © In this version Praise Trust