1249. Father, God of mission

Author: Jim Sayers

Father, God of mission,
send your living word
to each tribe and nation,
those who have not heard;
gathering a people
from all humankind,
those who did not seek you
are the ones you find

Send us on your mission,
answering your call,
all your grace proclaiming,
sovereign Lord of all.

2 Jesus, God incarnate,
though you are a King,
you came down from heaven
light and life to bring,
living as a servant,
dying in our place,
raised to life triumphant
Lord of time and space

Send us as your servants,
answering your call,
all your grace proclaiming,
sovereign Lord of all.

3 God the Holy Spirit,
wind of Pentecost,
cleanse us, fill us, gift us
as we reach the lost;
be our strength in weakness,
give us power to fight,
and where hearts are blinded
shine your gospel light.

Send us in your fullness,
answering your call,
all your grace proclaiming,
sovereign Lord of all.

4 Father, Son and Spirit,
gloriously One,
let us be united
as your work is done;
let your truth burn in us,
set our hearts aflame,
as we preach salvation
only in your name.

Going to all nations,
calling sinners home,
hastening his coming:
‘Come, Lord Jesus, come!’

Copyright: © 2011 JIM SAYERS/GRACE BAPTIST MISSION www.gbm.org.uk