Author: Susie Hare
Every land in all creation shall see his glory;
every creed and every tribe and tongue.
People out of every nation shall tell his story,
every knee shall bow before his throne.
The First, the Last, the Alpha and Omega,
the one who is, who was, and is to come,
will shake the earth in triumph over sinfulness.
The victory of heaven will be won!
He shall reign for ever and his kingdom shall not pass away.
He shall reign for ever without end.
He shall reign for ever and his kingdom shall not pass away,
and we shall reign with him.
Let every nation, all of creation,
join with the angels to sing:
‘Blessing and honour, glory and power,
praises to Jesus the King!’
He shall reign for ever and his kingdom shall not pass away.
He shall reign for ever without end.
He shall reign for ever and his kingdom shall not pass away,
and we shall reign with him,
and we shall reign with him.
Scripture: Revelation 5
Copyright: Words and music: © 2007 Susie Hare/Praise Trust