931. Eternal Father, Lord of life

Author: H C A Gaunt 1902-83

Eternal father, Lord of life,
you have in every nation
bestowed on loving man and wife
a share in your creation;
for this you formed the family,
the cradle of all living,
and that this wonder still should be
today we make thanksgiving.

2. Help us to keep our sacred vow
of faithfulness, unbroken,
in all our words and works to show
each other love unspoken;
grant us your wisdom day by day;
through us may grace be flowing
to help our children on their way,
in truth and freedom growing.

3. And when the dangerous days come by
of doubt and fear and blindness,
then strengthen every family
with courage, faith and kindness;
that we, alert, your love may share
alike with friend and stranger,
and be the channels of your care,
and draw the sting of danger.

4. May we with joy our tasks fulfil
as father, child, or mother,
that families may learn your will
in loving one another;
until at last that day may be
when all, the truth perceiving,
will know themselves your family,
in Jesus Christ believing.

Scriptures: Genesis 25:19-34, John 13:34, James 1:5, 1 John 3:11, Jeremiah 31:1, Ephesians 3:14-15, 1 Peter 3:7, Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-6, Ephesians 5:31, Colossians 3:18-19

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