1291. Creator God

Author: Ben Slee

your glory shines in all that you have made;
you spoke the word, who broke into the darkness—
all earth replies: ‘Majestic is your name!’
And who am I, though made below the angels,
that you, my King, are mindful of my ways?
As moon and stars sing out their joyful chorus
I lift my voice to join with them in praise.

2. Redeeming God, creation’s song fell silent
as on the cross the Light was pierced with dark.
The word of life to death now hangs surrendered,
the one who spoke out stars now breathes his last.
And who am I, the lowliest of sinners,
that you would pay the price my sin deserves?
My maker scarred for those who marred his likeness,
and from his wounds flows mercy unreserved.

3. O living God! You broke the tomb in glory—
death could not hold the one who authored life!
His radiant light has shattered through our darkness
and in our hearts, his risen life now shines.
And who are we, that you would call us children
and raise us up from death to life with you
where we will sing the New Creation anthem:
‘O praise the one who’s making all things new!’

And so we wait in eager expectation,
and join the song as all creation groans:
‘Lord, haste the Day decay is slain by glory,
the Day you call your sons and daughters home.’

Copyright: © 2017 BEN SLEE ben@christchurchmayfair.org